Imagine you have an existing database and want to be able to modify it with a tool through a nifty REST API, while still being able to edit it manually without hassle.
I guess we need to create a web backend and frontend, write models for our data and view functions to allow a mapping of their attributes to URLs to access and change them with http requests.. so much work!
Not with
It will analyze your database, derive models from it, create REST API functions for them, map those to URLs that make sense and run a small server exposing everything on your chosen port, e.g. http://localsandman:8080/.
It will also create an admin page as the web GUI to your database on http://localsandman:8080/admin/.
How cool is that ?
All powered by
flask and
Note: It seems sandman is not maintained anymore, but a successor is in the making:
sandman2, however I could not get it to run on my machine yet.
I also had two issues installing sandman on Windows 7 with Python 2.7, so I will quickly list the fixes here:
- Installing via pip seems a bit broken. The resulting sandmanctl script failed to launch the server for me. Instead I installed from source (preferrably into a virtualenv) like: